30th Anniversary 1989 – 2019

Reflections On 30 Years…
When my father died in 1988, I had no idea that I would carry on, in a sole practice, the Griffin law practice. My father practiced in an era of general practice and a handshake. Oh, how times have changed but I always remember his integrity and those of his time. A handshake was all it took.
He focused mainly on real estate development and estate planning. When he died, most of his clients were developers and I had no idea how to handle them. Luckily I was able to get those clients to good attorneys.
I had just left a big firm for a smaller firm and had only been at the firm for a couple of weeks. My father’s death left me very emotional, including with feelings of sadness, anger and loneliness. While I was working two jobs (my firm and my dad’s practice), I realized that I could not do both and ultimately decided to try the law practice on my own. It was VERY scary and without the help of God, family and friends who are family, other attorneys and professionals and the Clearwater community I would not have been able to make it.
Being on my own, I am AMAZED that I was always able to pay my assistants, my mortgage, my bills and had enough left over to do what I love… Travel. Law has been good to me and hopefully, I have helped people through the difficult process of estate planning, taxes and the even more difficult process of death and dealing with the death of a loved one.
I am extremely proud of our mission… “To Honor God by being of maximum service to our fellow man by providing legal services with wisdom, integrity, professionalism and excellence”.
I am proud of my staff through the years who have helped this office become what it is. I know that I can be VERY demanding and difficult but people have put up with me, and I am proud to call my staff, present and current, not only people I work with but also my friends.
I am proud of my Clearwater community and how much it has provided me with my friends, connections, work, a good living and play. My grandparents came in 1921, and I am so very proud that I can continue to honor the Griffin name and hopefully make them proud.
Most of all, I am proud of you, my clients, who have been with me, some for all of 30 years, some a lot less. All of you have made me who I am and I have learned from all of you. I have made some wonderful friends and know the struggles that you all have gone through but you all have been some of the kindest, most generous people I know and for that THANK YOU for making Griffin & Van Pelt, P.A., last for 30 years. I know that I may not be around for another 30 years (although I am swimming laps and making sure that I do everything I can to make it) but I am confident in my associate, Kit Van Pelt, and my current staff. They offer guidance to me and their counsel. We are a team and there is no I in our team. All of us work together.
Here is to another 30 years! ~ Linda
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones that you did do… So throw off the bowlines…. Sail away from the safe harbor…. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” MarkTwain