Check out the NEW Internet TV Series, “Rescue Clearwater”, the true story of Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Many of you know that I am a volunteer at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (“CMA”) on the stranding, marine mammal and dive team as well as on the Board of Directors. What you may not know is that CMA is now producing a new internet television series, Rescue Clearwater, which premieres on the 1st day of each month at and educates and informs you about CMA’s mission. I was honored to be in the first episode of the series.
All of us at CMA hope you are inspired by our work. If you want to learn more about our plans to make a better home for our animals and to expand our reach to help marine animals, then learn more at CMA, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, believes in preserving our marine life and environment while inspiring the human spirit through leadership in education, research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release.