Month: September 2021
Last Minute Prenuptial… Time Enough to Waive Spousal Rights?
In Arlene Williams-Paris v. April Nelle al., Arlene ("Wife") appealed several probate orders that she waived rights to her husband's ("Decedent") estate. A year before their marriage, Decedent and Wife discussed making a prenuptial agreement and the...
Marital Settlement Agreement- Who Receives the Proceeds of the 401(k)??
In Lynn Martinez-Olson v Estate of Dan Olson, Lynn Martinez-Olson ("Lynn") divorced Dan ("Decedent") in 2017. As part of the marital settlement agreement (the "Agreement"), each party agreed that they would receive all benefits existing by reason of their employment...
Arbitration…Is Prohibitive Expense a Defense?
Often, upon admission to a nursing home, the individual who enters the nursing home signs a contract which compels arbitration in case of disputes. In the recent case of Darcell Wick v. Orange Park Mgt, LLC, the court answered the question of whether the child of the...
The House Ways and Means Committee released 881 pages of proposed legislation on September 13 to give a nation full of stressed tax attorneys just that much more to be stressed about! Rather than reinvent the wheel here is a link to a great summary by a friend of...
Making a long probate even longer
In Florida, as in other states, the probate process can be unpredictable. Even if the estate involved is relatively small with only one or two heirs, those heirs can expect to wait six months to a year before the process ends. If you have recently lost a loved one and...