Month: February 2020
Amending Documents? Do Not Forget to Adjust Plan for Estate Taxes…
With the applicable exclusion amount of $5.490 million, many individuals’ estates will not be subject to estate tax. However, if you have a taxable estate, then determining whom will pay the estate taxes is critical. The recent case, Bandy v. Clancy, featured the...
Is Ignorance REALLY Bliss?…Not When Signing a Will.
Many individuals do not understand the importance of the procedure of signing a will and/or a trust and may get frustrated when required to go to their attorney’s office to sign their documents. Many ask “why can’t I just go to the bank and do this” or “I am out of...
US Supreme Court to Review DOMA Challenge of Same-sex Marital Deduction
The Supreme Court of the US has agreed to review the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (the “Appeals Court”) decision in Windsor v. US, which upheld a challenge to Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”). DOMA denies recognition of same-sex marriages...
PROTECT YOUR EXEMPT ASSET- HEAD OF FAMILY EARNINGS…DO NOT COMMINGLE WITH OTHER ASSETS. In Hancock Whitney Bank v. John J. Adams, et. al, the bank obtained a judgement against Mrs. Adams and her former husband of approximately $45,000. The bank filed a writ of...
Do You Want a Charity to be a Beneficiary of Your IRA? Why or Why Not?
Many clients have charitable intent and may include provisions for charities in their Last Will and Testament and/or revocable trust (the “Trust”). But what if you have a substantial IRA and you have named your spouse and your children as beneficiaries of the IRA and...
Were you late in claiming your deceased spouse’s estate tax exemption?
As discussed here before the exemption for the estate tax is now “portable” between husband and wife. For example, if a husband dies in 2014 using $2 million of his exemption instead of the full estate tax exemption of $5.340 million, then the surviving spouse could...